Thursday 2 August 2012

The Wonderful World of Interning...

Interning is something that everyone hoping to be successful in the fashion industry has to go through and it usually consists of weeks, sometimes months of repetitive, demoralizing jobs that make you question not only your own sanity but also your work integrity.
You're basically there to do all of the brainlessly dull jobs that no-one else in their right mind wants to do and passing this off as 'experience'.
For example, yesterday I spent the day putting about 1,000 German contacts in to an online address book... I did learn that 'vorstandsvorsitzender' is a word... who knew?
Interning is just one of those things that you have to do though because, nowadays, no matter how good a degree you get you're still not going to get anywhere without experience, particularly in the fashion industry (I don't think my previous jobs in tearooms and as waitresses quite fit the criteria).
I'm sure it could be a lot worse, however. I'm working with a lovely, friendly team and the marketing director is extremely lenient, letting me do just 3 days a week so that I can go home and work on the weekends, allowing me to come in pretty much whenever I choose and leave when I need to in order to avoid the Olympic chaos.
In a way I just feel as though I want to be contributing more so that I'm actually helping the team!
Had a chat with the menswear forecasting director in the kitchen yesterday who explained to me how the world of interning is beginning to change.
Following a complaint from a McQueen intern who was working 8am-12am every day and on weekends while, of course, not being paid, companies are no longer allowed to directly advertise for unpaid interns and they must not take advantage of this free help.
This explains to me now why I was 'awarded' my internship by my tutor at University - companies are finding new ways to get their free help!
Being in the working environment is undoubtedly giving me invaluable industry experience and I am actually starting to feel more positive about the situation.
My only advice would be to ALWAYS look for paid internships because then at least they are bearable  - plus living in London (where the only good fashion internships are) with no money is not advisable.
The only way that you are ever going to learn what it is that you truly want to do is by experiencing different areas. This is my first proper internship and I don't doubt that it will be my last...

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